Having read about E-Van Guru’s success in delivering electric vehicles to a number of Councils throughout the UK, Camborne Council approached Phil in the EVG team with a requirement for an electric tipper. As their first electric commercial vehicle to join the Camborne fleet they were looking for guidance as to the best product to deliver their requirements, based on this we recommended the Maxus e Deliver 3 50.2kwh chassis, fitted with cage sided tipper body and rear twin doors, beacons, front strobes, reverse sensors and chapter 8’s.
There was also a requirement to install charging infrastructure at their workshops, for which we called upon our partners at Aurora who managed to carry out a full survey and submit a proposal within a week of initial request. Following which a twin 22kwh charger was fitted along tethered cables and an App based security system.
An additional option we were able to offer was a tailored Public Sector finance solution that allowed for the charging infrastructure to be funded as part of the vehicle purchase.
We would like to thank our partners Brindley Fleet, Aurora EV, Vantage VC and ALD for their support in delivering these solutions in a timely manner and allowing us to meet all of Camborne Council’s requirements.