The Challenge

E-Van Guru required an efficient and wide-reaching platform to market their Peugeot e Traveller demo vehicle, equipped with a specialist wheelchair access kit. It was essential to connect with a broad customer base to find a buyer who would appreciate the value and features of the well-maintained, low-mileage vehicle.

The Solution

Turning to their partners at WAVs GB, renowned for their substantial online presence and market reach, E-Van Guru leveraged the platform’s extensive network. WAVs GB’s prominent position on Google searches provided the perfect opportunity to showcase the Peugeot e Traveller to a wide audience, ensuring a swift and effective sale process.

The Outcome

The strategic partnership with WAVs GB proved fruitful when a private buyer from London was introduced. After experiencing the vehicle’s capabilities and comfort during a comprehensive test drive, the buyer was immediately impressed. The Peugeot e Traveller, with only 5,000 miles on the clock and fitted with an AMF Bruns wheelchair access kit, including a single drop seat and the Future Safe protection system, was sold. The buyer recognised the exceptional value for money, highlighting E-Van Guru’s ability to offer top-quality, accessible vehicles through trusted channels.

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