The Challenge

Annandale Community Transport, based in Lockerbie, Scotland, needed an electric wheelchair-accessible vehicle (WAV) that could comfortably seat five passengers, including a driver, and accommodate a wheelchair. The vehicle required sufficient range to collect residents from surrounding villages, a vital service for rural community connectivity.

The Solution

After a successful demo event, E-Van Guru (EVG) was tasked to provide a suitable electric WAV. They recommended the Mercedes e Vito Tourer 100kwh for its robust battery and impressive range of over 200 miles. In collaboration with Midlands Truck & Van Ltd in Birmingham, a new factory unit was sourced and customised to Annandale’s specifications within just two months.

The Outcome

The Mercedes e Vito Tourer underwent a bespoke conversion using the AMF Bruns WAV system, incorporating a “future-safe” system for enhanced wheelchair safety. Delivered by EVG in early March 2024, the vehicle has become a cornerstone of Annandale’s transport services. The successful partnership and EVG’s strong referral network have led to a surge in orders for EV-based WAVs, indicating a promising trend in sustainable community transport solutions.

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